Hydroelectric energy, the underloved energy provider

Hydroelectric renewable energy has not gotten a lot of attention and in the US it has received only a fund of 32 million US$ compared to the hundreds of millions in Wind and above one hundred million in Solar energy. Which we can't understand since this is a form of renewable energy which accounts for approximately one sixth of world electrical generation, and unlike wind and solar has a natural form of storage which costs a fraction of any other form of electricity storage, and has black start capability.

Besides being clean, small and micro hydo power plants attracts our attention because after initial construction, the costs of operation and distribution remain constant and inexpensive. Certain environmental impacts deserve consideration for large hydro energy plants as well. Due to that we invest only in micro and small hydroelectric plants < 50 MW. Those are ecological non damaging, cost efficient and quicker to develop with a high return of investment of up to 20%.